The Sand Dollar

website for display my photography, writing and graphics works.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Digital Artist with an MBA

Graphic Designer with MBA, currently fixing my fiction novel and getting it ready for self-publishing. I designed my own covers, did the back cover summary, all the writing, formatting and editing, and now own proofing. I will also do all the promotions to sell it.
I am also a Photographer, mostly into artsy-surrealistic mannequin photography.
I have a BA in Social Science from UCI, MBA from WU and arts diploma from Platt College.
My hobbies include photography, reading, drawing, writing, working out, ice skating, and watching Russian ballet. I also love animals, I am a Vegetarian/Vegan, and I am against animal testing.
I was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, raised on the east coast, and now reside in California.